Early Years Statutory Framework

The EYFS statutory framework is divided into 7 areas of learning and development. Each of these areas are important as they are all interconnected. We use these to shape our curriculum and to determine what children should learn and how children's learning and development will be supported through each of these 7 areas.

Reading in the Early Years

The Nursery and Reception children will take a high-quality text home on a weekly basis which will also be shared in school. Please use the diary to record story times with your child and any questions they have asked or wonderful language they have used. Please ensure books are returned to school and placed in the ‘return box’. 

Reception - You will a receive a diary for your child. Please comment in the diary each time you hear your child read. We will also comment in these books. Reception children will also have ‘key word’ and sound cards to bring home, and we ask for your support in helping the children to learn these. Once your child knows all their sounds and can blend 3 and 4 sound words, your child will start to bring home a reading book, which will be worked on at home and in school. More information will follow.


The reception children will have a PE lesson once a week. Please provide black shorts and a white or burgundy t-shirt for PE.

Working with Parents

Parents are their children’s first and most enduring educators. This is why we believe that building a strong school-parent relationship is essential in securing the best education for each child. A happy start to school life is encouraged by meeting with us before your child starts school. This includes play dates at school, a picnic in the local park and a special morning with your new class. 

Your child’s experiences and achievements are continually recorded through observations and assessment, so that we can ensure each child’s needs are met and that each child is supported and valued as an individual. The evidence collected is in their Tapestry journal over the period your child spends in the early years then forms the basis of an Early Years Learning journey.

We aim to keep you fully informed of your child’s progress. Parents’ Evenings take place twice a year and Foundation Stage Newsletters and curriculum overviews will be sent out termly. We have learning showcase sessions where you visit your child’s classroom and hear all about our learning.

Learning at Southwold is great fun, we offer:

  • A rich, engaging curriculum where learning extends to the outdoor classroom, and we embrace the ‘whole child.’
  • A cross curricular approach which inspires curiosity, questioning, exploration, investigation, and imagination.
  • Story telling sessions where children learn stories off by heart through retelling, puppet work, hot seating, and story mapping.
  • Phonics sessions which are upbeat, active, and engaging
  • Lots of opportunities for messy play, designing, creating, and reviewing.
  • Enabling mastery in Maths using equipment- encouraging children to learn how to do or recognise and go on to apply it to their play, securing and deepening along the way.