Miss Cork

Miss Cork


Mrs Bond

Mrs Bond


Miss Zverko

Miss Zverko


Miss Haynes

Miss Haynes

Learning Mentor

Kelly Sawyer

Kelly Sawyer

Play Therapist

 Mrs Glashan

Mrs Glashan

Therapeutic Counselling support

Miss Hupalo

Miss Hupalo


Mr Sauvain

Mr Sauvain


Mrs Pargeter

Teaching Assistant

Willows Class

Hello and a warm welcome to your Willows Class Page. Here you will find information about key events, our termly newsletter, curriculum overview, web links and photos.

We are the class teachers, Mrs Cork and Mrs Hipgrave. Our wonderful Teaching Assistants are Mrs. Bond, Miss Zverko, Mrs Manning, Miss Hupalo and Miss Haynes.

The Willows Resource base offers support to children with identified SEMH needs. In order to meet the individual needs of each child, a thorough and robust assessment procedure takes place on transition to ensure all staff have a clear and focused view on the child and their needs to provide them with a personalised and tailored curriculum.

The aim is for the children to access up to 80% of the mainstream curriculum; this will be through an enquiry-based topic and will reflect their own interests and strengths. They will work on developing their independence, knowledge and skills. Social inclusion will be encouraged through shared break and lunch times with their mainstream peers.

In addition, they will have access to a sensory room, art, play and lego therapy as well as plenty of opportunities for physical play and development in a tailor made outdoor learning environment. They have weekly swimming lessons and are able to access the community garden for forest school sessions.

The provision has two main classrooms that will cater for 6 children in each. They have a shared kitchen area where they complete a weekly recipe, building on skills in reading, mathematics and independence.

If you are a parent or carer and have any questions, please email us via the office at [email protected] who will pass on your message.

Term 1 - What makes us Unique?

This term, each class has focused on celebrating our similarities and differences. Each child has worked hard to improve their 'daily mile' time whether its been rain or shine! Our main outcome was to create a mini video demonstrating why we are all unique, which you can watch here.

A big thank you to all the parents who were able to come along to our 'Wonderful Wednesday'. We had a fantastic 192 parents and family members who came along to celebrate this term's learning. We understand that it is not always easy to take time off work and reschedule other things during the school day but hope you enjoy the video.