Mrs Morgan

Mrs Morgan

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Henstridge

Mrs Henstridge

Teaching Assistant

Welcome to Nursery

Hello! We are Blossom class, and we love to work and learn together as one happy family. Mrs Morgan and Mrs Henstridge will be helping you learn. Here you will find all the information you may require linked to what is happening in the Early Years at Southwold.

Our Learning Environment

Here at Southwold, we offer a large purpose-built indoor learning environment which we like to call our ‘Learning Landscape’ and a range of inviting shared classroom spaces outside. We promote books and mark making in all areas to support each child’s development.

Inside Learning

Our indoor space offers our children a bright, colourful, stimulating and positive environment. It is divided into zones which promote and encourage the children to learn and develop different key skills:

  • Maths area
  • Creative area
  • Reading corner
  • Role Play area
  • Water area
  • Construction area
  • Mark making area
  • Small World area
  • Fine motor area
  • Malleable area
  • Cooking time


The outside learning environment is divided into similar areas; however the resources and experiences differ to those on offer inside. They are on a much larger scale and encourage the development of different skills and learning opportunities. Children love to be outside so a pair of Wellies and a warm coat are always a must! We call our garden ‘Minibeast Kingdom’. We are also fortunate to have outdoor learning spaces for Blossom and Cherry class too!

Our Daily Routine


The doors open and the nursery children are welcomed into class through the nursery gate by staff. When your child comes into school they will hang their things on their peg, put their book bag away in drawer and then find their name and add to our self –registration. Once we have done all our jobs we settle to an activity. In nursery we enjoy daily carpet times, lots of singing and also love listening to our focus story of the week. Every morning we have a snack time in our key person groups and use this time to talk about topics and share our news. Our indoor and outdoor classroom is full of exciting learning opportunities based around a weekly topic. We love to explore, create, ask questions and challenge ourselves

and sometimes, even get a little bit messy! It is so much fun. We call the activities on offer, our ‘Learning Landscape’.

Reading in Nursery

We love to share and create stories in Nursery and over the course of the year we will explore many stories with your children. We provide reading opportunities across the unit and encourage children to give meanings to the marks they see around them. There is nothing more special than sharing a book with your child every day and taking the time to talk about what is happening or might happen next. Reading books regularly is a great way to expand your child’s vocabulary.


When your child starts nursery they will have an online learning journey which you can look at, at your pleasure. The team will work to upload one observation a week to enable you to enjoy what your child has been learning at school as well as being informed on their progress. Please take advantage of uploading photos and videos from home and sharing these within your child’s profile.

If you have not signed your Tapestry letter, please do so as a soon as possible so we can get you up and running!

Term 1 - What makes us Unique?

This term, each class has focused on celebrating our similarities and differences. Each child has worked hard to improve their 'daily mile' time whether its been rain or shine! Our main outcome was to create a mini video demonstrating why we are all unique, which you can watch here.

A big thank you to all the parents who were able to come along to our 'Wonderful Wednesday'. We had a fantastic 192 parents and family members who came along to celebrate this term's learning. We understand that it is not always easy to take time off work and reschedule other things during the school day but hope you enjoy the video.