At Southwold School, we have a pupil leadership team that supports the senior leadership team in the running of the school. The team is made up of:

Head Girl Kana
Head Boy William
Deputy Head Girl Lily
Deputy Head Boy Ben
Values & KiVA Lead Ebony
Mental Health & Wellbeing Lead Ethan
Maths Lead Marcel
Computing Lead Daniel
Art Lead Julia
Humanities Lead Catinca
Pupil Governor Harry
English Lead Georgia
Eco Lead Florin
Sports Leads Harry
Positive Playtimes Lead Jaiden
Early Years Lead Evie
New Pupils Lead Imogen
Inclusion & Diversity Champions Evie

When a pupil joins Southwold School, they are added to one of our 'Houses' which were named after local woods. Each pupil can earn house points through the effort they put into their learning and behaviour... it is a great way to motivate everyone! The Teachers add these points using our online 'Class Dojo' system. These are totalled at the end of each week and celebrated during a whole school assembly.

House Captains    
Shotover William Elliot
Stoke Ronan Olivia
Wendover Beatruz Priscilla
Wytham Zita Carrick

Our PLT Positive Playtime leads created whole school 'Golden Playtime Rules' and 'Dining hall rules' to support positive behaviour (see attached). They collected ideas from the whole school then made posters which are displayed up around school.

Southwold School Playground Buddies

Southwold School operates a Playground Buddy Scheme which aims to help children have positive experiences at playtime. If children have a positive playtime, they will be happy and ready to learn.

Who are they?

Playground Buddies consist of Year 5 and Year 6 pupils who have been trained in school to offer support and guidance to pupils at lunchtime. Buddies will work in pairs following a weekly rota.

There are zoned areas around the playground, and these are where any children can join in with selected games on offer.? The buddies really enjoy their responsibilities, and not only do they make the playground a happy place for all the children, but also offer a great help to the MDSAs at lunchtime.?All members of the Playground Buddies meet regularly with the teacher responsible for playtimes for training and ongoing support.

How can I identify a Playground Buddy?

hey can be identified by their 'Playground Buddy' caps when on duty.

What is the role of a Playground Buddy?

They will be on hand to help pupils:

  • being a friendly person that other children can go to for help if they need it,
  • support sorting out minor playground disagreements fairly to find solutions to a problem
  • instigate and teach suitable age-appropriate games
  • encourage shy children to join I, help children find or make new friends or simply keep them company
  • informing staff when there are problems, or someone has fallen over
  • setting a good example by caring for others.
  • taking out and putting away games equipment,
  • being helpful to staff.
  • helping children to find something if they've lost it in the playground
  • asking the lunchtime supervisors if they are unsure of what to do in a situation

The benefits of the Playground Buddy Scheme are:

  • to encourage children to take responsibility
  • to encourage positive, happy and safe playtime experiences
  • to actively care for and look out for others
  • to try to ensure that all children are free from loneliness or isolation
  • to encourage children to form a variety of friendships with both older and younger pupils
  • to encourage participation in a variety of traditional and modern playtime games and activities
  • to encourage high levels of self-esteem and confidence in all our pupils as valued members of our school community

Playground Buddies receive recognition and awards in assemblies and a certificate at the end of their time in the job.

Digital Leaders

We are the proud Digital Leaders of Southwold School. We have important jobs to do each week as we help support children and staff with computing around school. Our main focus is to keep you safe online and make your use of computing as fun and knowledgeable as possible. Click on the button below for more information.

Updated: 31/08/2023 485 KB